

What trade-offs does this library make?

  1. The bundle size comes in at ~14kB gzipped (opens in a new tab) which is the tradeoff that's necessary for supporting all the mentioned internationalization features. There are smaller libraries for internationalization, but they typically cover less features. If you don't need all features of next-intl, you can reduce the bundle size with tree shaking. Furthermore if native Intl.MessageFormat (opens in a new tab) lands in the browsers in the future, we'll be able to reduce the bundle size significantly.
  2. Currently there's no concept of lazy loading translations. If your app has a significant number of messages, the page-based approach of Next.js allows you to only provide the minimum of necessary messages based on the route. If you split your components by features, it might make sense to split your translation files the same way to provide bundles per feature set. A built-in mechanism for lazy loading is being evaluated in #2 (opens in a new tab).

How is this library different from using react-intl?

  1. This library is built around the concept of namespaces and that components consume a single namespace (however this is not required).
  2. This library offers a hooks-only API for message consumption. The reason for this is that the same API can be used for attributes as well as children.
  3. This library currently doesn't support AST-based extraction like react-intl.
  4. This library is a bit smaller in size (next-intl (opens in a new tab) vs react-intl (opens in a new tab) on BundlePhobia).
  5. This library offers type safety for message keys.

How can I parse dates or manipulate them?

This library is only concerned with formatting dates.

To parse dates, you can pass them to the Date constructor (opens in a new tab).

// Make sure your date string conforms to ISO 8601
const date = new Date('2020-11-20T10:36:01.516Z');

A great library to manipulate dates is date-fns (opens in a new tab).

Can next-intl be used with Jest and Storybook?

Yes. These environments pose the challenge that components render in isolation and therefore relevant providers might be missing. To fix this, you should wrap the component with NextIntlProvider.

Please see the Jest example (opens in a new tab) to explore a working setup. For Storybook, you have to add a global decorator (opens in a new tab) that configures the provider.

Can next-intl be used without Next.js?

Yes, see use-intl (opens in a new tab).

Can next-intl be used with Remix (opens in a new tab)?

Yes, see the Remix example (opens in a new tab).

Can next-intl be used with React Native (opens in a new tab)?

Yes, see the React Native example (opens in a new tab).